Saturday, November 24, 2012

Intelligent Furniture tell me what you made and...............

Tell me what you made, and I will tell you who you are. There was times that furniture were made to out last you and noting was disposable. Citizens were craftsmen who designed, and made, furniture from original natural material from scratch. Every crafts men was a mathemation, designer, and artist . Now these days everything is mass produced in China, and materials are either new synthetic or recycle composite.

I recently acquired this 17 th century signed antique Chines bed with Ivory inserts. The bottom of bed is made of Bamboo waving, and the structure is like an architectural statement  and putting it together I found that it made like a puzzle all joints were calculated and accurate, as it shows in the picture over years some of the pieces were broken, which we repaired. I can not stop admiring the talents that made this intelligent furniture. I will be posting features of this amazing intelligent design over next few weeks

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